

I. People into supply business incredible sectors like oil and gas, telecoms, multinationals, banks, some MDAs, etc

II. Good for Contractors & Sub-contractors.


I. Operate a regular current account

II. Bank to finance up to 75% of LPO Value.

III. Maximum tenor 60 days

IV. Bank to finance confirmed LPOs from Blue chips and reputable medium sized companies

V. Disbursement of funds will be made directly to the source of procurement/vendors.

VI. Domiciliation of payments, through Judicial or Legal Assignments, to adequately cover the total repayment plus GOOD MARGIN.


Opportunity to ease working capital constraints. Competitive pricing. Guaranteed flexible terms of payment.
Access to readily available credit within clients own timing. Prompt advisory service from a team of dedicated account managers. Clients shall be updated on monthly loan repayment via CalBank Alert.
The tenor for the scheme is 120 days (four months).

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Kindly download our account opening forms.